nTelos is a wireless services provider in the US which has a few music presentation arenas and it came to us with a project for building a mobile application which could aid the users in getting to know about the events and buy tickets. This was way back in 2011 and mobile app ecosystem was just heating up with foursquare and maps being the "in-things" and we were tasked with building these into the app and add value to the users experience.
Also since it was a music app they wanted the visuals to be appealing to the crowd at these events which were primarily teens and young adults, so we stuck to a chrome based approach and blue from the brands white and blue colors. The primary flows were first completed as wireframes in Balsamiq and then we went about developing the final mockups in photoshop. We wanted an off-beat experience so we veered off the traditional bottom navigation and designed a unique paralellogram based top scroller.
Home-screen and Concert Listings flow
The home screen was where all the key areas of the apps were listed and a large part of the screen was dedicated to a central banner which showed the featured artists/shows that were coming up in the next few days. Clicking on that banner would take them to the artist/event page or you could use the concerts button to see a list of concerts coming up.
Once inside a concert details page you could do a take a host of different actions ranging from getting more info about the artist and take a look at their discography to set alerts for that event or even buy their music.
The wireframes for the Home Screen and the concert listing flow (click to enlarge image)
Home screen for the app.
The Concerts Listing page where users can see all the upcoming concerts.
Once you click on a concert you land here on the Concert Detail page.
In-app Videos Section
We also wanted to give our users a taste of whats to come in the concerts so we had a videos section in the app which had videos of the artists performances at other venues and music videos of their latest hits. They could search through our catalogue of videos and even share the links with f
QR Code Integration
Another new thing that the app wanted to do was to enable the users to buy the tickets for an event immediately when they saw a poster for it. So we decided to move ahead with QR code implementation in the app. All teh posters were accompanied by a QR code and if the users scanned it with their phones it would take them to the event page in the app where they can buy the tickets right there and then or share it with some of their friends who might be interested in the event.