
Fatafat is an app to catch up with the latest news while youre on teh go. You just swipe through the battery of "news bytes" that arrive on your mobile screen every few hours and easily deep into the details for the ones you find interesting. Its a light weight and customisable news feed right in your pocket. 

Screen 1

The main feed of 'news bytes'. This screen s where you get all the latest news from the last few hours and you can swipe left or right to cycle through them. The focus in this screen is to give the gist in the headline and an excerpt of the body of the news so that you can toggle through all of them and with a single tap enter the complete news piece within the app. 

Screen 2

This screen is where you customise and select the news topics that are presented to you on the main screen. It appears as an overlay onto the main screen and you can go back to flying through the news with a tap of a button. 

Screen 3

The settings page. Customise virtually every aspect of your news browsing experience. From speed of the animation to colors used and accounts synced. They all sit here. 

These are the topic badges developed for the app. Tried to keep the tone light hearted and colorful so that the app appeals to a slightly younger crowd. 


The news bytes are created and curated by the editors who go through the different news and add them to the pipeline. This screen is an example of how a news byte looks in the backend uI where the editors sign off on them before queuing it up or pushing it to drafts to work on it later. The focus was on large text and clear call to actions to reduce errors in haste. 

manage_newsbyte details.png

This screen gives you a quick overview of all the important attributes of a news piece. The categories , URL , who edited it last etc. 

You can also manage people from the admin section and provide them permissions as when required. A lot of people can be working at the same time so its important to have one place to manage all of them and keep tracking their status.