Drop My Grocery is a new startup in the online grocery delivery area which is currently focussing in the Bangalore area. The founding members are busy getting the offline components like delivery chain infrastructure and storage in line while simultaneously working on a website. I was working with them as a freelance UX consultant. *(please excuse the listings ... they are all dummy content)
This is the homepage. We focussed on bringing out the best deals right here to get the price conscious user base hooked from the get go.
The Category Page : From the main nav you can jump into a category page where a Sidebar acts as a secondary nav tool within that category. You can also see the shopping cart on the top right corner of this page.
The Product page: If you click on any product picture it will take you to the product page. The product description, nutritional values, comments and reviews etc are given in the main pane. To the left of the product we show similar products or ones which were often brought together. However they have lower opacity so as to not distract the user from purchasing the main product. On hover they return to normal opacity.
The Recipe Listings : We wanted to introduce something new to the indian market and one interesting trend i found was recipe based shopping. A lot of indians (even my friends and family) want to try out different cuisine and dishes. However there is no one place where you can get a recipe and also find all the ingredients you need for it. The recipes section solves this problem. On this page you get a list of different dishes we can help you with. and the next page (below) has the directions and ingredients.
This is the recipe detail page. The ingredients are listed out next to th eprocess to make the recipe. Another thing that I've added is that by selecting the number of people you're cooking for the system automatically adjusts the size and quantity of the ingredient packs.
This is the shopping cart page .. first step of the checkout process. Theres another unique feature I've added called social shopping. Once you are done adding your items to the cart you can share the cart with your friends (that you need to pre add on dropmygrocery.com) and they can add their items. Once they are done or a "latest by" time specified by you ... you can pay the cart value. Saves on multiple orders to the same address and also shipping charges.
Settings page : Friendlist added on the site
Social Feed: All the activity by your friends on the dropmygrocery.com