Addabol is an app targeted at the indian market particularly the teens and early adults. The main utility of this app is to make plans together with your friends in a collaborative manner. it also provides tips, which are sourced locally and which can be used as a base to create plabs form.
Screen 1
Splash screen for the app. The identity design has been done by me.
Screen 2
This is the login screen, appears only in the beginning till you log-out for the app.
Screen 3
This is the main feed where all the activities from your friends come up. You can find and join plans or post your own plans and it will show up here.
Screen 4
This is the tips screen where the best recommendations and things to do are listed down. You can submit tips or use a tip to create a plan.
Screen 5
This is the create plan screen. There are 4 main things to include in a plan #what, #when, #where and @who. The way it works is that you can start with all four or at least one of these cornerstones and collaborative fill in on the plan building consensus among your friends (seems like magic eh ?) You can (and should) add pictures to the plan as well.
Screen 6
The preview screen, this is how a plan looks if you post it, the preview screen helps you tune up your post before hitting the send button. You want your post to be perfect before sending out to illicit the most responses.
Screen 7
The privacy settings module. We wanted these screens to be as descriptive as possible. Outlining all the effects of your actions from unfriending to allowing our partners to help you create the perfect plan.
Screen 8
Notifications. All those pings you get .. yeah this is where you land up when you hit that push notification in the middle of your boring meetings. I tried to keep it plain and simple and provide actionable items right within the field inline.
Artwork by Bhoomika Kashyap ( Visual Designer ) | Art Direction by me.
A complete set of emoticons was developed for the project themed after the identity design of the app. All those 'ascii' smileys are so 1990's.
A sample error page using the emoticons developed for the project.